Sunday 9.30 am Holy Eucharist with hymns and music
(followed by morning tea)
Wednesday 10.00 am Mid-week Eucharist
Tuesday - Saturday 8:00 am Morning Prayer

"Our aim is to offer worship and activities that are open and accessible to all"
St. John's Worship
A church is community of people with different personalities and varied interests so it is not easy to describe what it is like to worship with us. If you have not worshipped with us before we will be very pleased to welcome you.
We endeavour to make our worship a worthy offering to God, joyful and relaxed yet dignified with our worship centred around the Eucharist. Our services are sacramental in nature, pointing beyond the visible physical stuff to the invisible and mysterious stuff of God. We use contemporary Anglican liturgy based on inclusive, liberal theology. We aim to engage your senses, your mind and your soul.
There are many ways of drawing close to the divine such as words, music, images, silence, contemplation, discussion, teaching and so on.
We hope we offer a warm welcome. Although we know we won’t always succeed, our aim is to offer worship and activities that are open and accessible to all, regardless of physical ability, gender identity, race, sexual orientation, age, income and any other thing that us humans like to use to divide ourselves up.